AFOLs use a lot of acronyms IIDSSM

AFOLs use a lot of acronyms IIDSSM

Posted by Mr Brick on 9th May 2016

If a desire to construct doesn't drive you to LEGO® then perhaps your secret acronym love might.  There's a never ending list of them and, If I Do Say So Myself {IIDSSM} some are a little silly!  Here's a few of my favourites;

CRAPP: Crummy Ramp and Pit Plate - the baseplate with a ramp and pit.

HOG: Hand of God - when you move minifigs around, AFOLs (Adult Fans of LEGO) think it's this.

KABOB: Kid with a Bunch of Bricks.

LURP: Little Ugly Rock Piece.

NLF: Non-Lego Friend.
NLP: Non-Lego Parent.
NLS: Non-Lego Spouse.
NLSO: Non-Lego Significant Other.

POOP: Piece (that can or should be made) Out of Other Pieces.

SNOT: Studs Not On Top.

TFOL: Teenage Fan of LEGO

Play well.